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I need to cancel my order

Purchases made through our website

We're sorry you want to cancel your order, but of course it's no problem to do so. Just take the third answer to the question below in order to contact our helpline. Please give full details of the order, if possible including the transaction number from your order confirmation email.

Please do not include your credit card details.

Please be aware that at busy times (such as Christmas) it can take several days to respond to an enquiry, but rest assured that we will get back to you in due course.

Purchases made in-app or through the Apple or Google app stores

Any purchase made through the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store (which includes in-app purchases via our iOS/Android apps) is treated as a purchase from Apple or Google, and is subject to Apple's or Google's terms of sale. Unfortunately we cannot process refunds against these purchases since we do not have any records of those transactions.

For details of the refund procedure please see these pages: