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I don't want to receive your ecards!

If you do not wish to receive our ecards, you can add your email address to our "block list". When you have done that, if any jacquielawson.com member attempts to send you an ecard from our website, then their request will be refused and they will receive a message indicating that you have requested not to receive ecards. If you subsequently change your mind and would like to receive our cards after all, please contact our helpline by taking the third option at the bottom of this page.

You can also request only that a specific person is prohibited from sending you our ecards, while others are allowed to do so. If you do this then that if that person tried to send you an ecard from our website, they will receive a message indicating that you have requested not to receive ecards. To set this up please contact our helpline by taking the third option at the bottom of this page.

While we can stop our members from sending you our ecards by email directly from our website, there is no way that we can stop people from forwarding our ecards, or copying an ecard link into a personal email, social post or text message, since those sending mechanisms are totally independent of our service. If this is happening all we can suggest is that you contact the sender directly and ask them to stop.

Please note that if you have requested to be put on our block list so that you are unable to receive our cards, then you will also be unable to send them, even with a paid-up ecards membership.